The INAP game is a game that is currently being developed for our Industry partner INAP who is the International Network for Acid Prevention. The game is to be utilised in an educational package to demonstrate to students the dangers of acid forming materials and what can and is being done within the mining industry to prevent it. 
This prototype is the minimum viable product for phase 2 of the game where the player will build and manage a simplified mine. This prototype was used as a proof of concept for the core mechanics to be provided to our industry partners. Phase 1 of this game includes the scouting and environment testing procedures and phase 3 includes the cleanup phases when a mining site is being retired. This allows the game to show the player a simplified lifespan of your average mine.
The major mechanic within this phase is the Building mechanic, this feature is necessary as the player will have to place the necessary components to a mine as it grows. These components would include a worker camp, vehicle maintenance bay, medical station, tailings facility and others.
The other core mechanic that is showcased is the initial UI system that includes 4 bars helping the player monitor the mines total ore, finances, maintenance and happiness. Other UI elements include a minimap and a slide out menu to manage systems in more depth. 
this project is being completed within a team of 4 however, All Assets and features in this prototype were developed and implemented by me.

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